electric floor heating
We propose a healthy and safe next-generation heating system using far-infrared "radiant heat" and "conducted heat. Children and the elderly can also use the system with peace of mind.
heated floor heating
Parallel circulation type general-purpose hot water panel system that reduces running costs by 40% or more. Comfortable living in snow country with overwhelming running costs!
melting of snow
Self-temperature-controlled (PTC) heaters prevent unnecessary temperature increases, resulting in energy-saving and effective snow melting. Protects your family from freezing, tipping over, and falling.
Industrial Heating Business
Heat Trace's industrial heaters, which are utilized worldwide, can provide pipeline, industrial freeze protection, and electric heating systems for a wide range of applications
Electric floor heater
It is safe and secure because it reacts to its own temperature and controls the amount of current flowing through it.
Hot water panel heater
Changing the common sense of floor heating. Comfortable snowy winters at an overwhelmingly low cost! Parallel circulation hot water panel system.